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How to Upload an Imovie to Managebac

You composed your music WHERE? Utilize GarageBand Video!

In course eight, I have a film soundtrack unit in which we produce, and later compose, moving picture soundtracks in GarageBand. When I first started doing the unit, I worked on the very incorrect assumption that all students coming in already knew GarageBand from doing podcasts in Blueprint course. I had them jump straight into practicing performances for film soundtracks, without thinking actually of what software they were using. I had (wrongly) assumed we would all exist using GarageBand. Well, every year a few students would come in and say, "Distressing, my project volition be late considering I couldn't get iMovie to export," and I'd exist shocked and ask, "Wait, what? Yous Equanimous music in a picture editor instead of a music plan? Why aren't y'all using GarageBand?" And they'd expect equally confused and asked,d "Wait, what? GarageBand can do video?" That'southward when I realised that we had to start off each unit learning about GarageBand Video.

Let me start off by proverb, "Aye, GarageBand does video."

Information technology's not a video editor, of course. You tin can just driblet in completed clips. However, that'due south not the point. The indicate is the music.

Starting Your Projection

When you click on GarageBand, you choose which type of projection you'd like to use. For our soundtrack, we merely start with an empty projection. Because information technology's a pic soundtrack, we don't have to worry about key signatures, time signatures, etc. After all, we want our music to fit the action on the screen, and not the strict beat of a metronome.

Get ahead and click the Choose button.

GarageBand - The opening project manager allows you to choose the type of project

Once more, nosotros aren't too bothered well-nigh what type of track we are using. I wouldn't suggest going with Drummer, since it is all-time cut to arrangement sections. Nevertheless, otherwise, it doesn't actually matter whether you cull Software or Audio because you lot tin can add or remove tracks at whatsoever fourth dimension in GarageBand (super easy).

GarageBand opening project screen showing possible track types

Immigration your workspace

GarageBand is very total when y'all starting time open it, and it gets worst one time you elevate in your video prune and start adding music tracks. It's hard to see anything! Allow's clear that up first.

GarageBand - An initial view with its library and editors shown

When a button has a darker colour grayness, it means that option is toggled on.  Click on the button to toggle it off (to hide the menu). Or, you lot can click Y to hide the library push or B to hide the equalizer button.

GarageBand - Four buttons show the types of menus that can open to show further options (library, information, editor, etc.)

Now your GarageBand will be overnice and empty – prepare to go.

GarageBand - View of an initial empty track that has its library and editors hidden

Drag and Drib in your Video

Like all things Apple, you simply open your Finder window, find your file, and elevate 'due north drib it into the empty timeline.

GarageBand - A finder window sits in front of a GarageBand projects so that it can be dragged and dropped inside

Now you'll see 2 sound tracks – the i belonging to the video and the empty original that came with the original project. The video's audio is on a bluish track, which ways it's an audio rails (versus a MIDI rails). You'll likewise notice that the video is very large – information technology's taking up the entirety of the track surface area. Tracks are resized past clicking and dragging on their corners.

GarageBand - Gromit the dog rides a train in a video track

You hide a video by clicking on the 10 button in the top, left hand corner of the video.  Don't worry – you haven't deleted information technology – you lot've only hidden it from view. This is expert for when you are in the thick of composing and don't need the video at that moment for inspiration.

GarageBand - a tiny X in the top left corner of the video shows where to click to hide the track

When you want to show the video again, click on the little, black thumbnail beside the video runway. When the video is shown, the thumbnail disappears. When you click on the X and hibernate the video, the thumbnail appears agin.

GarageBand - a little thumbnail of a video shows users where to click to open the full video

What if y'all want to unlink a video?

This is a elementary matter of copying and pasting. Click on the video'south audio rail and re-create it (⌘C), and then go to your other blueish audio track and paste it (⌘P). This is handy if you desire to boost the volume. If you desire to completely unlink the audio, you can so cut the original audio (⌘10). That will exit an empty rail that you lot can then delete entirely (⌘+Delete)

GarageBand - A duplicate of a video's audio track

GarageBand - The video's audio track has been deleted and its duplicate remains

If you lot'd prefer to watch than read, here's a YouTube tutorial I've made but for you.

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